
Sorcerer -2

Sorcery and sorcerers refer to unjust statements, lies, dissension, machinations, devilish temptation, vanity, atheism, and the like or the separation of-married couple. They also symbolize ugly acts and baseless, unable, and mean business. The sorcerer or witch is an unfair, untrustworthy, wicked, and cruel enemy. The word sehr, Arabic for sorcery, is almost-homonym of sahar, the last sequence in dreaming before the break of day. Hence dreaming of that kind of dawn means that the dreamer will somehow be involved in magic, in either way, or will commit-sin for which he will have to implore God ~ mercy, bearing in mind the Quranic verse: ~“ ~¦ and ere the dawning of each day would seek forgiveness. ~-~~“Al-Dhariyat ~ [The Winnowing Winds], verse 18.- That period of the night is also said to be the one when dreams are most likely to come true. The word is also close to sohoor, the very late meal that those who fast during the holy month of Ramadan take. In dreams it means that the hero will render his enemies mad-that he will repent if he disobeyed God ~ commandments, that he will return to the right path, if an atheist, or that he will become prosperous.

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