Dream Meanings of: Bee -7

Detail Dream interpretation of : " bee-lucid-dreams-meanings

A bee has different meanings depending on whether the dreamer is-civilian, farmer, or military man, for bees produce honey, which is something sweet, useful, and beneficial and, according to-verse of the Holy Quran,-remedy for people. Paradoxically, bees could also be an allusion to disease, by association of ideas. At the same time, bees have-clear-cut hierarchy and are highly disciplined, tenacious, and toiling creatures. They symbolize the military or the Muslim army-once one of the most powerful in the world- . In any case,-bee in-dream is-laborious and very gifted person in terms of earning his or her livelihood and whose companions can only benefit from him, but-dangerous person as well. For the ancient Arabs,-bee symbolized the Bedouin or, in abstract terms, perseverance, gains, and the accumulation of wealth. And since Muslims believe that bees are inspired by God to follow-certain order and discipline in excelling in the production of various types of honey with different aromas, they are thought to symbolize knowledge or know-how, division of labour or categorization, erudition, and the authoring of literary or scientific works.

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