Dream Meanings of: Bread -6

Detail Dream interpretation of : " bread-meaning-in-dream-book-2

Seeing plenty of loaves without eating any of them: Will meet one ~ brothers very soon. Seeing-brown bread loaf in one ~ hand: Nice living but medium religious faith.-barley bread loaf-life of sorrow and fear.-dry loaf: Tight living. Being given-piece of bread and eating it: The dreamer will either die or live nicely. Taking-piece of bread: The dreamer is cupid. Hot bread: Hypocrisy and prohibitions.-loaf of bread hanging on the dreamer ~ forefront: He is poor. Rotten bread-with green bacteria on it- : Plenty of money that is of no use to its owner and from which no religious dues are paid. Bread cooked on embers or hot sand: Hard living, for only the needy bake that kind of bread.

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