Dream Meanings of: Anus -6

Detail Dream interpretation of : " dream-dictionary-meanings-of-anus

Backside- In-dream, it represents the husband or money. If one sees his anus blocked in-dream, it means that he will die shortly. The anus in-dream also represents-lowly person,-cheap musician,-drummer, someone who holds secrets,-kin or-relative with whom it is not lawful to be married. Seeing the backside of-young person in-dream means separation between the two. If it is an older person in the dream, it means-fight between them. Causing cuts in one’s anus means severing family ties. Seeing the anus of one’s mother in-dream means nullification of one’s devotion, cancellation of one’s due interests or the stagnation of one’s business. Seeing someone’s anus in-dream means meeting with-frowning person.

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