Dream Meanings of: Aqiq -3

Detail Dream interpretation of : " dream-meanings-of-aqiq

A Yemeni ambassador who worked with me at the Islamic Conference Sec retariat in Jeddah told me that when he was-child, the stone was urgently rushed to someone bitten by-highly venomous serpent. The victim recounted to the ambassador that the stone used to stick to his wound, giving him the impression of-child sucking its mother ~ breast. Each time the stone became saturated with poison, it fell on the ground and was picked up and immersed in cow milk, wherein the venom could be seen being liquidated. Aqiq symbolizes religion, progeny, and virtue. It is-blessed stone. Owning Aqiq: Will no longer be poor. Wearing an Aqiq ring: Will own something blessed and achieve growth. Seeing the black Aqiq: 1- Suspicious money. 2- The birth of an expected boy.

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