Dream Meanings of: Ayyoub | The Prophet With Exemplary Endurance And Patience

Detail Dream interpretation of : " dream-meanings-of-ayyoub-the-prophet-with-exemplary-endurance-and-patience

Seeing Ayyoub-Job- :-1- Will be plagued, as-test from the Almighty, by losing wealth, parents, kin, and children but will undergo the experience with stoicism and plenty of patience and without losing faith for-minute-then God will compensate the dreamer and double what he lost. An allusion should be made in this respect to the Quranic verse that reads: ~“And We bestowed on him-again- his household and therewith the like thereof,-mercy from Us, and-memorial for men of understanding ~-~~“Sad, ~ verse 43- .-2- -reference to bygone money and children.-3- Will commit-fault by swearing and need the help of-religious scholar or learned man to find an outlet.-4- Tragedy and loneliness together with optimism and an ultimate reward by Allah.-5- Prayers will be heard and wishes fulfilled.

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