Dream Meanings of: Earth -3

Detail Dream interpretation of : " dream-meanings-of-earth

Country-Farm-Floor-Glob-Land-Locality-Place-Property- In-dream, each locality has-particular meaning that relates to its substance and conditions. To see the land of the great gathering on the Day of Resurrection in-dream means the fulfillment of-promise, or that the person seeing the dream is worthy of keeping secrets. Earth in-dream also means becoming rich after poverty, or having peace after experiencing extreme difficulties. It also means-marriage to-beautiful young virgin, or it could mean receiving guidance and attaining-high ranking and an honorable position in the world. To see the glob being carried on the back of-whale or-steer without changing its conditions in-dream means that the king of the country will be dethroned. He will either step down or be replaced by his minister. Sweeping the floor and caring for the floor mat or carpet in-dream means to care for one’s community or family.

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