Dream Meanings of: Garment -2

Detail Dream interpretation of : " garment-meaing-in-dream-book-2

If one sees himself wearing-silken raiment and portraying-religious jurist in-dream, it means that he is-seeker of worldly titles who may invent something new. Announcing lost and found garments in-dream means attending-pilgrimage to Mecca or-journey to an Arab country.-woman wearing-thin garment in-dream represents her integrity, while if she is wearing-thick garment, it represents her labor and hardships. If one sees himself putting on-new garment after taking-ritual bath in-dream, it means prosperity or repayment of his debts. If one’s new garment is torn and cannot be repaired in the dream, it means inability to bear children. If the garment can be repaired in the dream, it means that there is an evil spell over the person wearing it.

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