Dream Meanings of: Jinn -2

Detail Dream interpretation of : " jinn-meaing-in-dream-book

Accompanying Jinn in-dream means familiarity with, and keeping the company of men of knowledge, or people of inner knowledge. If one marries-female from amongst the Jinn in-dream, it means that he will marry an insolent wife, or that he may suffer-great calamity. If-righteous person sees himself chaining Jinn in-dream, it means that he holds fast to his prayers, fasting, controls his carnal self and base desires. Engaging in-battle with Jinn in-dream means that one will be safe from their evil. To befriend-known leader from amongst the Jinn in-dream means becoming-police officer and make it one’s profession to pursue criminals and bandits. It also could mean that one might become-guided man of knowledge or-teacher. Seeing Jinn gathering in-known locality in-dream also may indicate the presence of snakes, scorpions, or what human beings may fear in the wilderness. Also see Dragon-Pumpkin-

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