Dream Meanings of: Killing -1

Detail Dream interpretation of : " killing-meaing-in-dream-book

If one sees-victim swimming in-pool of blood that is pouring from his jugular veins in the dream, it means that the victim will suffer greatly from the defamation and slander of his assailant. If one intentionally commits suicide in-dream, it means that he is-subversive rebel and-disobedient servant of Allah almighty. Confessing to-murder in-dream means gaining the upper hand. Killing in-dream also could mean that one is missing his prayers, or neglecting them. Killing one’s own son in-dream means receiving money. If one dies as-martyr in-dream, it also means profits, fulfillment of-promise, business success, or perhaps that he maybe assassinated, or drown, or die under-collapsed structure. If the victim in the dream is-witness in court, it means that his testimony will be accepted, or perhaps it could mean that he will enjoy abundance of blessings in his life-Also see Fight-

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