Dream Meanings of: Stairway -3

Detail Dream interpretation of : " lucid-dreams-meaning-of-stairway

Descending-staircase in-dream means arriving from-journey, resigning from one’s job, impeachment, or it could represent-pedestrian. If one’s descent leads him to his family, house, or farmland in the dream, it means money. If what he reaches at the end of the staircase is unknown, and if one meets people, or souls he does not recognize in the dream, it also denotes what we have earlier explained. If during one’s climb or descent he falls into-well, or if-giant bird grabs him and flies away with him, or if-beast devours him, or if he steps into-boat that sails away as he steps into it, or if he takes-step to find himself riding an animal, or-vehicle of some type, the staircase then represents the stages of one’s life and what he encountered during the journey of his life, all replayed or screened before his eyes at the point of descending into his grave, or as-book one reads after his death. If he does wake up and finds himself healthy and fit, it means that he will become-tyrant, an unjust person, an atheist and-reprobate. If one sees himself descending-staircase that leads him into-mosque, lush foliage, green fields,-fresh breeze of spring, or into-pond to take-ritual ablution to perform his prayers in the dream, it means that he will become-true believer, repent for his sins and abandon his blameworthy conduct. Otherwise, if he descends upon adverse elements such as snakes, lions, steep hills, corpses, or-field of scattered remains in-dream, then it represents major trials and adversities.

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