Dream Meanings of: Dwellings

Detail Dream interpretation of : " seeing-dwellings-in-dreams-3

Cage-Clothing-House-Luck-Robe- In-dream, dwellings are man’s abode or his world. One’s dwellings in-dream are-reflection of his deeds in wakefulness. If one finds himself in-newly built house which is freshly painted and has all the needed amenities and comforts in-dream, it means prosperity. If he is-poor person, then it means that he will meet his financial obligations with ease. If he is under stress, it means that he will become free from such burdens. If he is-craftsman, it means that he will master his craft or acquire authority equal in dominance to the beauty and perfection, size and details of such-dwelling he saw in the dream. If he is in sin, it means that he will repent.

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