Dream Meanings of: Lion -4

Detail Dream interpretation of : " seeing-lion-in-dreams

Seeing-lion entering-house where-person is ill: The patient will die.-lion intruding in one ~ house: Hardship on the part of the chief. If the beast suddenly devours the dreamer, he will be the victim of an injustice, his money will be stolen, or he will be beaten or killed at the hands of the ruler, especially if he dreamed that his soul had left his body or that his head had been cut off. Receiving-lion and seeing it in one ~ place without bothering with it: Will be scared to death by the sultan, but no real harm will occur.-lion entering the city-plague, hardships,-tyrant, or an enemy.-lion entering the mosque and standing at the minbar or podium-tyrant will emerge and will terrorize and harm people.

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