Dream Meanings of: Olives -7

Detail Dream interpretation of : " seeing-olives-in-dreams

Seeing the leaves of an olive tree in-dream means following the straight path, or fulfilling one’s spiritual obligations, guidance, light, reading the Quran, comforting someone’s heart, making money for-poor person, except if one eats the olive raw in the dream, then it means the opposite, or it implies poverty, indebtedness, or it could denote the place, or the direction it comes from. The leaves of an olive tree represent righteous people or spiritual leaders. The fruit of an olive tree represents easy money, or living-rich and-happy life. Selecting olives or pressing them for oil in-dream means toiling, or hardships. As for-sick person, olives in-dream mean regaining strength and recovering from his illness. The fruit itself and the leaves also denote assiduousness and resoluteness, however, olives in-dream also denote slow growing. Also see Oil-

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