Dream Meanings of: Reckoning

Detail Dream interpretation of : " seeing-reckoning-in-dreams

Day of Reckoning-Doomsday-Resurrection- Seeing the reckoning of-deceased person in-dream denotes his sufferings in the hereafter. If-traveller is asked to account for his travel expenses, and if he is treated with kindness during the reading of his report in the dream, it means profits from his journey and-safe return to his homeland. If one reckons himself in-dream, it means that he will repent for his sins. If one is brought for judgment on the day of reckoning, and if his questioning is made easy in the dream, it means that Allah has blessed him to marry-pious wife who has love and compassion for him, and who cares about his interests. If his questioning is strict and detailed in the dream, it means that he will incur losses.

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