Dream Meanings of: Tooth -4

Detail Dream interpretation of : " watching-dreams-about-tooth

The upper teeth falling on one ~ knees-male child will be born. Teeth falling on the ground: Death. Teeth growing in the heart: Death. Catching-falling tooth and refraining from burying it: Will give advice to whomever that tooth refers to. All the teeth of healthy, free persons, or travellers falling-1- Long disease.-2- Troubles of all kinds but no death, because the teeth of those who die do not fall. Therefore, the same dream is-good one for those who are already ill. It means that they will recover fast.-3- For travelling merchants the dream means that their luggage or cargo is light, especially if the teeth were seen moving. All the teeth falling, but catching them up in one ~ sleeve or seeing them falling on the knees: Will live long, till all the teeth fall, and will have-large family at home.

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