Dream Meanings of: Horse -4

Detail Dream interpretation of : " watching-dreams-of-horse

Disagreement between the horseman and the beast: Insubordination of-slave or servant, disagreement with-business partner, or incongruity and rebellion of the wife. Seeing the pendent of-horse: The enemy will beat the horseman. Seeing horsemen flying in the air: Temptation, intrigue, and war will erupt in that place. Horses running bare between houses without their saddles and stirrups: Torrential rain. Seeing-herd of horses with saddles on their back but no stirrups: Women will gather in-wedding or-funeral. Owning or looking after-number of horses: The dreamer will become-governor or have more influence in his sphere. Riding on-saddled stallion or mare: Dignity and authority, because riding is the privilege of kings and horses are what King Solomon used to ride. Such an authority could come through-woman the dreamer would marry or-slave girl he would buy. However, such-dream would not augur well in any case if the subject rode without reins, which symbolize guidance, wisdom, religion, and command. Losing the reins would also mean that welfare will slip away. Falling from the back of-stallion or mare while riding bareback: Authority will wane, conditions will deteriorate, and corruption will encompass the dreamer ~ wife.

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