Dream Meanings of: Jesus

Detail Dream interpretation of : " watching-dreams-of-jesus

Allah’s prophet Jesus son of Mary, upon both of them be peace.- One who sees Allah’s prophet Jesus Alayhi-Salam, in-dream is-blessed man,-generous one, an ascetic who pleases his Lord, who is filled with contentment, who travels excessively and may acquire knowledge about medicine and herbs. It is said that whoever sees Jesus in-dream will be protected against calamities for that year. If he asks or wishes for something, he will receive it, and if he learns-trade, he will become successful at it. One who sees Jesus Alayhi-Salam, in-dream will become an ascetic, travels throughout the land, escape from his enemy and may become-renowned physician. If one sees Jesus son of Mary in-town looking into people’s conditions, it means that calamities will be lifted away from that place, and people will live in peace and tranquillity for-while. If one sees him together with his mother, upon both of them be peace, it means that-great miracle, or-sign of divine magnitude will manifest in that location.

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