Dream Meanings of: Quran -3

Detail Dream interpretation of : " watching-dreams-of-quran

If one sees himself reciting the Quran and understanding what it says in-dream, it denotes his vigilance, intelligence, faith and spiritual awareness. If-Quranic verse is recited to someone, and if he does not agree with the divine judgement in the dream, it means that he will suffer harm from someone in authority, or that-punishment from Allah Almighty will soon befall him. If an unlettered person sees himself reading the holy Quran in-dream, it could also mean his death, or his reading of his own records. If one sees himself reading the holy Quran without true interest in it in-dream, it means that he follows his own mind, personal interpretations and innovations. If one sees himself eating the pages of the holy Quran in-dream, it means that he earns his livelihood from his knowledge of it.

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