Dream Meanings of: Tongue -7

Detail Dream interpretation of : " watching-dreams-of-tongue

One’s tongue in-dream also symbolizes-milk suckling baby,-lion in his den, or an intelligent warrior. Thus, if one lets-lion out of-lair in-dream, it denotes his tongue, or hurting people’s feeling or reputation with one’s tongue. If one sees himself without-tongue in-dream, it may mean the death of an infant. If one has to appear in court and sees his tongue cut off in-dream, it means that his proof will be rejected by the judge. If only the side of one’s tongue is cut off in-dream, it means that he has doubts about the testimony of his witness. If he is-merchant, it means that he will lose an important business deal. If he is-student, it means that he will not complete his schooling. It is also said that when one’s tongue is cut off in-dream, it means that he is-forbearing person.

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