Dream Meanings of: Wind -3

Detail Dream interpretation of : " wind-lucid-dreams-meanings

Blow-Changing course-Hurricane-Storm-Trap-Tornado-Wonder- In-dream, winds represent the person in authority or the leader. In that sense, winds in-dream represent the sphere of one’s control and his power to change things, or to maneuver people’s interests. Winds in-dream also may represent-leader, his army, commands and helpers. Wind was once one of the servants of Allah’s Prophet Solomon, Alayhi-Salam, as it moved under his command by Allah’s leave.-stormy wind in-dream may represent calamities, destruction, or plagues.-tornado in-dream means destruction or-calamity. On the other hand, wind in-dream may also mean pollination, good harvest, prosperity, victory, or success. However, winds in-dream also represent illness, rheumatism, sneezing, aching, or headaches, etcetera.

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